Old drunks

  • Post category:News

Letter to the Irish Independent

The debate surrounding the Swedish House Mafia concert has continued this week, and the more senior commentators have emerged to cast disdain on the youth of Ireland’s drinking habits.

It seems easy from their lofty mindsets to cast aspersions on our young people in the safe knowledge the spotlight is not on their generation.

They think gulping red wine over dinner every night, or getting drunk ‘sociably’ at gala events is perfectly acceptable. The older generation’s relationship with alcohol is far more deep- rooted than that of any 20-somethings at a concert.

From my own observations, drink driving is a much bigger problem with people over the age of 40, but in adverts on television, the drunk driver in the reconstructions is always a young man in his early 20s.

The problem with alcohol in Ireland, and our link to it, is inherited, so the ‘mature’ commentators should take a look at themselves in the mirror first before venting disgust at the young.

I am under no illusions that young people’s issue with alcohol is a major problem, but it is no greater than the similar issue with alcohol affecting everyone else. It is hypocritical for these people to go on radio and brand the people at that concert a disgrace just because no one sees them stumble at a badly disguised, dressed-up dinner party.

Justin Kelly
Edenderry, Co Offaly