Nurses & gardai are two professions that know all too well the harm alcohol causes, often being the ones forced to clean up the mess. We need more of both in Ireland. Govt must increase alcohol excise duties in Budget 2025; what a 15% increase will fund👇https://alcoholireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Pre-Budget-2025-Submission.pdf
Fantastic new resource from @hrbireland providing up-to-date information on alcohol-related health & social harms in Ireland across multiple themes, including alcohol-related hospital discharges, mortality & criminal behaviour. Well done all involved!! 👏
Copious evidence of the importance of alcohol pricing policies including MUP available from the OECD, IMF, WHO and more
Details in our pre budget submission.
Looking for addiction treatment services anywhere in Ireland use our interactive map to find a service that meets your needs https://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/services_map
Consumers have the right to know the health risks from drinking to make informed decisions. Ireland's world-leading labelling regulations can be life-changing & life-saving but don't become mandatory until May 2026. Between now & then 10,000 babies will be born with FASD...
Ireland is estimated to have the third highest prevalence of FASD in the world and today 16 babies will be born here with the lifelong irreversible neurodevelopmental condition. It is one of the reasons why alcohol labelling is so important...
Today is Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day. Help us raise awareness of the importance of alcohol free pregnancies by using and sharing some of the resources and info in this toolkit:
https://publuu.com/flip-book/647102/1443087 #AlcoholFree #AlcoholandPregnancy #FASDAwarenessDay
We would strongly urge the alcohol industry to move now to include these warnings without waiting until May 2026 when they will be required to do so. Time for industry to respect the safety of consumers and unborn children.
Excellent letter from @cconlon2 re online advertising of junk food. Similar arguments also apply to the online targeting of children with alcohol ads. Comprehensive action is needed.
Children, online safety, advertising and technology
Tech companies must heed calls for change
Hugely important move in Australia. Alcohol is an accelerant for family and gender-based violence. Any policy to reduce such violence must consider this. @HMcEntee @SAFEIreland @NWCI @RCNIreland @Womens_Aid
Monday the 9th is FASD Awareness Day. Help us raise awareness of the importance of alcohol free pregnancies by using and sharing some of the resources and information in this short toolkit: https://publuu.com/flip-book/647102/1443087 #AlcoholFree #AlcoholandPregnancy #FASDAwarenessDay
What we're working on now
Highlighting the harm caused by problem alcohol use in the home and its impact across the lifespan.
There are significant concerns about aspects of the Sale of Alcohol Bill which are likely to lead to increased alcohol harm.
Ireland’s Public Health Alcohol Act is based on WHO ‘best buys’ of price, promotion & availability to tackle alcohol harm.
Harnessesing the lived experience of people in recovery from alcohol to drive policy change.
You are not alone...
Shared Voices aims to provide a platform for those who have lived with the trauma of parental problem alcohol use; give voice to their experience, so that others too can know that they are not alone.
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