75% say they have never bought or given alcohol to a minor – Newstalk survey

From Newstalk

75% of parents said they have never bought or given alcohol  to a minor, while almost one in five have, according to a new survey.

The latest Newstalk Nation survey, which looked at attitudes to children, also found that  40% of  people think it is acceptable to allow a child under 18 years of age to drink alcohol, while the same number again think it’s never acceptable.

A further 20 per cent of parents did not answer either way  during  the latest Newstalk Nation survey which looked at attitudes to children.

The Newstalk survey finding that 40% of people think it’s acceptable to allow a minor to drink alcohol is at odds with previous surveys which examined the issue in greater detail.

Research by Trinity College, carried out in conjunction with the HSE, found that two thirds of Irish parents (63%) disagreed with introducing children to alcohol in the home, while  a quarter (27%) felt it was a good idea. The TCD study also found that only 11% of parents had given a drink to their teenager at home,.

Alcohol Action Ireland’s “Have We Bottled It?” survey found that 70 per cent of people believe it’s not okay for parents to let their 15 to 17-year-old drink alcohol at home, while 28% felt it was okay. Almost 9 out of 10 parents (88%) felt it’s not okay for parents to bu their teenagers alcohol, while just 11% felt it was okay.

Almost 800 people took part in the Newstalk study.

Below is a full breakdown of results:

How many children do you have?

None 29.5%

1 17.5%

2 28.4%

3 16.5%

4 5.9%

5+ 2.2%

Do you think the recession has affected your decision to have more or any children?

Yes  – I ’m going to have more 1.4%

Yes  – I ’m going to have less 13.9%

No 46.5%

Does not apply 31.7%

Other 6.4%

Do you think you are a good parent?

Yes 70.2%

No 4.0%

Other 25.7%

What is the most important lesson a parent should pass on to a child?

How much pocket money do you think a child under 12 should receive per week?

Nothing 23.1%

 €0  –  €10 61.1%

 €11  –  €20 3.6%

 €21  –  €30 0.4%

 €31  –  €40 0.0%

 €40 + 0.1%

Other 11.6%

What age is suitable for a child to start working part-time while at school?

10-12 2.6%

13-15 31.2%

16-18 56.1%

Other 10.1%

Generally, how do you think Irish parents dress their children?

Appropriately for their age 51.9%

Inappropriately for their age 24.9%

Don ’t know 10.1%

Other 13.1%

Is it ever acceptable to slap a child?

Yes 48.4%

No 40.3%

Other 11.3%

Have you ever slapped a child?

Yes 46.0%

No 47.8%

Other 6.2%

Is it ever acceptable to give alcohol to a child under 18 years of age?

Yes 39.5%

No 38.9%

Other 21.6%

Have you ever given or bought alcohol for a child under 18 years of age?

Yes 19.4%

No 74.5%

Other 6.2%

Is it ever acceptable to allow a child to smoke cannabis?

Yes 2.3%

No 94.4%

Other 3.2%

Have you ever allowed a child to smoke cigarettes?

Yes 2.3%

No 95.6%

Other 2.1%