Doctors want govt to bring in minimum price for alcohol

Doctors from the Royal College of Physicians are calling on the government to introduce a minimum price for a unit of alcohol.

From the Irish Examiner

It is after new research published today reveals shocking figures on the high level of alcohol-related liver disease amongst young Irish people.

The policy document by the Royal College of Physicians found that between 1995 and 2007 the rate of discharges for Alcoholic Liver Disease increased by 247% for 15-34 year olds, and by 224% for 35-49 year olds.

Chair of the RCPI policy group on alcohol and consultant gastroenterologist professor Frank Murray says the government must also reduce the number of outlets where alcohol is available.

“There is substantial evidence when you increase the minimum unit price you particularly hit drinkers who have a problem with drinking habits. They are the people who drink cheap alcohol. It’s ridiculous so many outlets sell alcohol, petrol stations sell alcohol and I can’t understand why that happens

“We should dramatically reduce the number of outlets selling and increase unit price.”