Traditional approaches such as introducing youths to the taste of alcohol to encourage moderation are wrong-headed and dangerous, according to the report by the European Parliament’s working group on quality of childhood.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Its Brighton-based author, Dr Aric Sigman, fears early exposure to alcohol puts youngsters at heightened risk of developing addiction or depression, while also altering the size and shape of their brains.
’Even in small amounts, alcohol may have long-lasting effects on young people’s brains,’ he said.
The report also demands the multi-million-pound alcohol industry be exiled from any influence on policy.
Dr Sigman criticised drinks companies for funding ’a variety of scientific activities such as meetings of investigators, research programmes and scientific publications’.
Emily Robinson, director of campaigns at Alcohol Concern, said: ’The terrifying rise in liver disease amongst the under 30s in this country shows why we need urgent action on the issue of alcohol and young people.’
Five-year-olds are allowed to drink at home in Britain. In other EU countries the age varies between 14 and 18 and some have no limit.