Have a good time but celebrate with care

  • Post category:News

By Mark O’Regan in the Irish Independent

Wednesday August 15 2012

STUDENTS celebrating their Leaving Cert results were last night reminded of the dangers that rise from excessive drinking.

Alcohol Action Ireland stressed that parents should talk to their children about their celebratory plans.

It said teens who find themselves in trouble after drinking should contact a parent for help, rather than be over-fearful of blame being attached.

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) said students celebrating tonight should use public transport where possible, and make arrangements in advance for getting home safely.

If somebody holds a learner permit they must be accompanied by a driver who has a full licence for more than two years, and must also display L plates front and rear.

Teenagers should not take more passengers in their car than is safe and should not distract the driver.

The RSA warning says that recent research shows motorists are four times more likely to crash if they use a mobile phone while driving — and 23 times more likely to crash if they text while driving.

The Rape Crisis Network Ireland warned of the risks associated with alcohol consumption, and told youngsters to be on their guard for spiked drinks.

It also highlighted figures showing that in recent years about one-third of those accused of rape in Ireland were aged under 25.

And just over 75pc of all those accused of rape were found to have been drinking at the time of the assault.

– Mark O’Regan

Irish Independent