See what your alcohol intake could do to your face in 10 years

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WE WERE JUST daydreaming about tonight’s happy hour”¦when this drinking mirror app gave us second thoughts.


As part of the Scottish government’s “Drop A Glass Size” campaign, Drinking Mirror is an app that depicts the serious ageing effects that boozing has on our skin and faces.

Upload a photo of yourself and enter your weekly beverage intake, and then Drinking Mirror recreates the image to show just how great you could look in ten years.

Some of the pretty repercussions? Wrinkles, droopy eyes, jowls, and red cheeks. Needless to say, we prefer the “before” photos.

It’s a no-brainer that drinking alcohol, especially in excess, will cause future damage to our bodies. Despite all the times we’ve tricked ourselves into thinking it won’t happen or tried to suppress the unfortunate truth, there’s no faking it with the Drinking Mirror. This app makes us face reality ”” literally. For all those times we really wanted to keep the party going, now there’s Drinking Mirror to make us consider if the extra shot is worth it.

While some of the effects may be exaggerated, the app did its job of scaring us. Maybe we’ll just stick to one drink this birthday. After playing around with Drinking Mirror, let us know ”” is the party over for you? (Drink Smarter)