Alcohol harm costs high-income countries like Ireland 2.5% of GDP – €12bn annually – according to the World Health Organisation. 1,500 hospital beds are in use daily due to alcohol harm; almost one million people have grown up with a problem drinker in the home; 600,000 people are classified as having alcohol use disorder and 37% of driver fatalities with a toxicology result available had a positive toxicology for alcohol. It has a massive impact on crime and workplace productivity.
Given the cost of alcohol to the state as well as individuals, families and communities it is imperative that government implements evidence-based policies. The World Health Organisation recommends that alcohol policy’s ‘best buys’ are controls on price, marketing and availability. Ireland needs government to commit to this approach, which puts public health at the core of policy in relation to alcohol. In particular, we need a dedicated Alcohol Office which will drive action in this area.
With a General Election around the corner, now is your chance to tell political party leaders that your vote depends on what they do about alcohol harm issues.
It only takes 2 minutes!
Fill out the form below and an email will be sent to political party leaders to make alcohol harm an election issue!