BBC News (Wales) – Drinking banning orders to help tackle drink crime

  • Post category:World News

Magistrates in parts of Wales have new powers to ban people convicted of alcohol-related offences from pubs for up to two years.

Drinking banning orders (DBOs) will be available in the local justice areas of Merthyr, Gwent and Denbighshire.

The powers were introduced in areas including Cardiff in April and are being rolled out in 25 more UK areas from Monday.

Breaches are punishable with fines of up to  £2,500.

DBOs were created to help police and local authorities clamp down drink-related offences and anti-social behaviour.

They allow magistrates to impose conditions on people over the age of 16 convicted of an offence committed while under the influence of alcohol.

These include banning them from pubs or from drinking in certain other places, but do not include imprisonment powers.

The orders can last for up to two years but can be shortened if offenders complete a positive behaviour intervention course.

Crime Prevention Minister James Brokenshire said: “We remain concerned about the number of alcohol related incidents and the drink-fuelled violence and disorder that blight many of our towns and cities.

“The extension will help local communities manage problem individuals and will also help those individuals to address the reasons for their behaviour”.

The powers have been available in 25 local justice areas across the UK since 1 April and are being extended from Monday.

All Welsh magistrates will have these powers by next April.


Source: BBC News (Wales), 01/11/10