Irish Independent – 267 arrests over drink-driving

A total of 267 suspected drink-drivers were arrested over the St Patrick’s Bank Holiday.

Gardai revealed that more than 5,000 motorists were also detected speeding between March 16 and 20.
Assistant Commissioner for Traffic, John Twomey, said drivers continue to lose their lives despite the best efforts of gardai and road safety chiefs.

Six people were killed over the five-day period, a 50% rise on the same period last year, with crashes which resulted in serious injuries up 20%.

“The increase in the number of drivers speeding and drink/drug-driving – despite all the evidence as to the consequences of such behaviour – is disappointing,” he said.

“These people are from our communities and it is our communities who are paying the price for their recklessness.

“An Garda Siochana will continue its effort to stamp out this behaviour.”

A total of 11,651 drivers were tested at 1,195 mandatory alcohol test checkpoints around the country during the garda enforcement campaign – up 32% on last year.

Figures showed 37 drivers were arrested at these checkpoints, while 230 motorists were caught during routine patrols.

Noel Brett, of the Road Safety Authority, urged drink-drivers to think of the consequences drink-driving could have on their family or employment.
Source: Irish Independent – 23.03.11