11th – 12th October 2011, Alcohol Policy in Poland and around the Europe: Medical and Economic Disadvantages of Using Alcohol, Poland

  • Post category:Newsletter

Host: State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems
Tuesday/Wednesday, 11th /12th October 2011
Time: All Day Event

“Alcohol Policy in Poland and around the Europe: Medical and Economic Disadvantages of Using Alcohol” MEDUSA (PoznaÅ„, 11-12 October) under the patronage of the European Parliament.

The conference is organized by The State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems.

The agenda for the expert conference will cover recent advances in the alcohol related issues including such important topic as: health consequences of alcohol use, FAS (Foetal Alcohol Syndrome), epidemiology, alcohol policy.

For more information please visit the conference website www.medusameeting.eu or contact medusa@parpa.pl