Host: The Wheel/ Management Briefs.
Location: 56 Aungier Street, Dublin 2
Time: 9.30am – 5.30pm
Cost: €30 for 1 session to €99 for all 4 sessions
Cafeteria Consultancy is a set of training seminars in a day that provides practical advice and support to people in the SME, public and voluntary sector on the following day to day issues :
- Performance Management
- Bullying & Harassment
- Impactful Presentations
- Interviewing Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Project Management
- Time Management
- Marketing Skills
Only pay for what you attend! The event consists of 90 minute workshops run throughout the day so you can choose to pay for one, two, three or four sessions and not commit the whole day to the event if you do not wish to.
The concept is to provide experienced management consultancy experts at a fraction of the cost for a private consultation.
For more information contact the Wheel or Management Brief