Report of Independent Child Death Review Group Published

Minister Frances Fitzgerald today (Wednesday, June 20) published the report of the Independent Child Death Review Group.

The report, authored by Dr Geoffrey Shannon and Norah Gibbons, gives details of the 196 children who died over the period 2000-10, both of natural and unnatural causes. The children in the report include children who were in the care of the state at the time of their death, young adults who were in aftercare and other children who were not in care but were known to the HSE.

Of the 112 unnatural deaths reviewed, alcohol in the home was found to be a prevalent issue in a third of all cases. See the Alcohol Action Ireland response to today’s report.

Please find below:

The report of the Independent Child Death Review Group

Minister Frances Fitzgerald’s speech

The Department of Children and Youth Affairs Press Release

The Executive Summary of the report