VFI welcomes findings of Health Research Board

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From Business & Leadership

The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI), which represents approximately 4,200 publicans throughout Ireland, has issued a statement welcoming the fact that the findings of the Health Research Board survey “mirrors” what its members have been calling for.

In the statement, the VFI says that it has been calling for a thorough debate amongst all stakeholders involved in the drinks industry “targeted at making the consumption of drink in Ireland as controlled, as safe and as responsible as possible”.

“Launched only days after the horrific scenes witnessed at Phoenix Park and a week after the irresponsible promotion of alcohol by a well-known supermarket chain, the results show without doubt that the Irish public want a change, want it now and indeed 58pc believe that the Government is not doing enough,” it said.

The VFI said that its members have called for a minimum price at which alcohol will be sold, for segregated areas and for the end to price-driven promotion.

“We are happy to see that the public support us in what we have been calling for. We are also encouraged by Government soundings on these issues but it is now time for action.

“The Irish pub will not be found wanting in this process and the VFI and our members are keen to ensure that we develop a better relationship between Irish society and alcohol, which will in the end be to all our benefits.”

The VFI went on to say that it would welcome any opportunity to discuss with other stakeholders the issues “so clearly identified in the HRB survey”.