Alcohol – set an example to the kids on drink

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The manager of Derry City FC has backed a new campaign asking parents not to drink during family celebrations.

From the Derry Journal

Published on 06/04/2013

Speaking at the launch of the ’Children See, Children Do’ campaign, Declan Devine said “It is great to be involved in such a positive campaign. As a father myself, I want to set a good example for my children when it comes to alcohol.”

The new campaign, funded by the Big Lottery Fund, highlights how children are watching and learning from us from the moment they are born.

Mary Breslin, outreach worker, said; “This means we should be particularly careful how and when we drink in front of them.

“If a child watches us as we use every celebration as an excuse to drink alcohol throughout their childhood, we cannot be surprised if they feel that is what they should do when they reach their teens.”

She went on; “As a family it’s great to come together when we have cause to celebrate.

“Throughout the year there are many such events, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious celebrations such as christenings, First Holy Communions and Confirmations ,as well as the seasonal times of year such as Christmas. These give families the opportunity to get together for a good party.

“If children are going to be there it is important to consider if it is appropriate to have alcohol present or not.

“If you are planning a family celebration please give a little thought as to what the celebration is about and who will be there.

“If the celebration is about the child we would ask that you consider an alcohol-free celebration and something that focuses on the child like going to a local play/adventure park or having fun games at home.

“If the celebration is more to do with adults but children will be present, think about what your child will be seeing if adults are drinking alcohol.

“If we drink sensibly and stay within the recommended daily amount of units 2-3 units for women and 3-4 units for men we will set a good example to our children.”