So are we still really a nation of big boozers?
From the Irish Independent 09 MARCH 2013 The alcohol scare stories are all too familiar and are played out year after year in TV programmes amid much hand-wringing. The comedian…
From the Irish Independent 09 MARCH 2013 The alcohol scare stories are all too familiar and are played out year after year in TV programmes amid much hand-wringing. The comedian…
From The Journal THE AVERAGE IRISH person drank the equivalent of 411 pints of beer last year, new research has suggested. Figures published by the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland…
Story from The Irish Times Figures from the State of the Nation's Children Report KITTY HOLLAND Smoking and drinking is down among Irish teenagers, while girls remain more vulnerable than…
Alcohol Action Ireland's website has a new look and a lot of new content, with a increased focus on our key campaigns. The new and improved is a user-friendly…
The alcohol industry is increasingly targeting people aged over 60 as global populations age, a public health researcher has told a conference today. Massey University social scientist Sally Casswell told an audience in Wellington that companies were paying more attention to retirement-age drinkers
Alcohol marketing getting the facts from AlcoholActionIreland Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, has just launched its latest fact sheet, Alcohol Marketing: Getting The Facts. Alcohol is…
Children are being groomed by alcohol companies years before they reach the legal drinking age, through advertising on Facebook, researchers say. The social media website has also become so entrenched in young people's drinking culture that they can no longer distinguish advertising, Massey Univers
From The Journal AT A TIME when mental health is finally well and truly a ’hot topic', firmly embedded in the public consciousness, I can't help feeling that we're quietly…
The Irish relationship with drink has come in for a lot of criticism, not least in Des Bishop’s recent TV series. But how do young people treat alcohol in other countries? We sent reporters out with teenagers in six different cities to talk about alcohol, clothes and the opposite sex
From The Irish Times A law introduced to ensure drivers involved in a serious collision are tested for alcohol is not functioning effectively because the Garda computer system has not…