David Cameron to reveal alcohol minimum pricing plans this week
Options for a minimum price on alcohol are set to be announced by the government this week, as Prime Minister David Cameron launches a long-awaited consultation.
Options for a minimum price on alcohol are set to be announced by the government this week, as Prime Minister David Cameron launches a long-awaited consultation.
A ban on cheap alcohol may do nothing to cut crime or prevent health problems resulting from excessive drinking, research warns today.
NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione has hit out after a weekend marred by numerous booze-fuelled incidents, including several deaths in the state. Mr Scipione was so annoyed by the volume of alcohol-related issues police had to deal with last weekend he released a statement on Monday urging rev
The health of Irish women is among the worst in the EU, with far higher rates of death from strokes, heart attacks and cancers.
Children exposed to alcohol during fetal development exhibit changes in brain structure and metabolism that are visible using various imaging techniques, according to a new study being presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
It is called the ''silver tsunami'', the wave of ageing baby boomers about to hit the health system with alcohol and drug problems. Preliminary findings from a UNSW study at the Prince of Wales Hospital suggest almost one in five people over 60 presenting at aged care services may be substance abus
From the Irish Examiner By Gareth Naughton Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A 21-year-old teacher died while on holiday in Bali two days after drinking a local spirit which her family…
England is facing a rising tide of fatal liver disease, the Chief Medical Officer has warned, fuelled by obesity, alcohol and preventable infections. From The Telegraph In her first report…