X Factor contestant refuses to sing Katy Perry song as it ‘glorifies alcohol abuse’
Jahmene Douglas rules out performing 'Last Friday Night'
Jahmene Douglas rules out performing 'Last Friday Night'
Thousands of children in care in Scotland are being left in risky circumstances, leaving some with lasting emotional and behavioural problems.
From TheJournal.ie DRINKING JUST ONE or two glasses of wine a week while pregnant can influence a child ’s IQ, according to a new study by researchers from Oxford and Bristol…
On-trade sales volumes continue to decline according to the latest Nielsen figures, with a 4.1 per cent decline in alcohol sales year-on-year (LAD/spirits/wine) MAT to August 2012.
DRINKING JUST ONE or two glasses of wine a week while pregnant can influence a child’s IQ, according to a new study by researchers from Oxford and Bristol Universities.
From The Irish Times Women who drink as little as one small glass of wine a week while pregnant could risk reducing their child ’s IQ, a study has suggested. The…
From Shannonside.ie Alcohol remains the main 'drug' that affects teenagers while Mephedrone is also making a comeback among young people in the West. That's according to the Western Region Drugs…
Researchers have found that a single unit of alcohol a week resulted in less intelligent babies
Alcohol remains the main 'drug' that affects teenagers while Mephedrone is also making a comeback among young people in the West. That's according to the Western Region Drugs Taskforce who are this week holding an drug and alcohol awareness week discussing a range of issues affecting young people.
From The Irish Catholic "The age of first drinking has dropped to 14. Irish teenagers drink as often as their European counterparts but they drink a lot more, and pretty…