Varadkar remains uneasy about banning alcohol sponsorship of sport
THE CABINET MINISTER responsible for sport in Ireland has again expressed reservations at proposals to outlaw sponsorship of sporting events by alcohol companies.
THE CABINET MINISTER responsible for sport in Ireland has again expressed reservations at proposals to outlaw sponsorship of sporting events by alcohol companies.
Is it last orders at the bar for late night opening in Northern Ireland?
From UK Wireed News Supporters of minimum pricing for alcohol claim new research from Canada provides further evidence that it would reduce consumption in Scotland. The Saskatchewan province introduced the…
(Medical Xpress)—Consumers tend to switch to less potent alcoholic beverages when minimum prices are raised for cheap, strong drinks, new research from the University of Victoria's Centre for Addictions Researc
CONSUMPTION of strong beer in Canada fell by more than one-fifth after the introduction of a minimum pricing policy for alcohol, it has emerged.
The Alcohol Consumption statements from Seanad Eireann yesterday (Wednesday, October 17) begin at the bottom of this page and continue on the following pages. Minister of State at the Department…
From the Irish Examiner By Dan Buckley Thursday, October 18, 2012 The overwhelming majority of publicans expect trade to worsen, while three-quarters report a continuing decline in customer spending on…
With the nation ’s love affair with alcohol as intoxicating as ever, Dr Garrett FitzGerald praises the work of the Aiséirà Treatment Centre in Wexford, which is quietly celebrating its 25th…
Time Please … For Change Key initiatives that could make a real difference to Ireland ’s relationship with alcohol will be the focus of a conference hosted by Alcohol Action Ireland on…
From the Irish Independent We are a family who live in a nice area. It was fine when the children were young but now the toddlers have become teens. Some…