Alcohol blamed for rise in youth assaults
Drunken youngsters who think nothing of drinking a box of bourbon and Coke in one night have sparked a rise in serious assaults, a Christchurch addiction expert says.
Drunken youngsters who think nothing of drinking a box of bourbon and Coke in one night have sparked a rise in serious assaults, a Christchurch addiction expert says.
Baby boomers take up the lion’s share of NHS spending on alcohol abuse. The first ever map of alcohol-related health costs in England reveals that the 55-74 age band imposes a greater burden on the state than any other age group.
From the Huffington Post UK Time Out magazine has been ordered to cease publishing an advert for "London's Biggest Pub Crawl" after the advertising watchdog declared it was "socially irresponsible".…
Time Out magazine has been ordered to cease publishing an advert for
EU claims plans to introduce a 50p per unit rate could infringe free trade rules
Georgia State University's Dominic Parrott and Christopher Eckhardt at Purdue University in Indiana have received a five-year, $2.6 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to examine the underlying factors behind alcohol intoxication and violence between significant others and spouses.
In:tuition is an evidence based, life skills education programme for young people aged
BRIAN O'CONNOR in The Irish Times TIPPING POINT : Should something as generally positive and healthy as sport be seen in bed with alcohol and all its attendant health risks?…
From the Irish Exmainer By Cormac O ’Keeffe Monday, October 08, 2012 Government departments repeatedly lobbied against proposals to end sport sponsorship by the drinks industry, internal memos show. Documents obtained…
From the Irish Examiner By Cormac O ’Keeffe Monday, October 08, 2012 The Department of Justice accused two drinks ’ industry groups involved in a Government alcohol strategy committee of trying to…