Alcohol report – People want State to do much more
Thursday, July 12, 2012 in the Irish Examiner More than four out of five people in this country think that Irish people drink too much alcohol, according to a survey…
Thursday, July 12, 2012 in the Irish Examiner More than four out of five people in this country think that Irish people drink too much alcohol, according to a survey…
By Cormac O'Keeffe in the Irish Examiner Thursday, July 12, 2012 People are in favour of minimum prices for alcohol and bans on advertising, but are against ending sponsorship of…
The Government has delayed its plans to bring in minimum pricing for alcohol, after a consultation due for the summer was put back. Ministers were due to consult before the return of Parliament on proposals for a minimum unit price – suggested at
The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI), which represents approximately 4,200 publicans throughout Ireland, has issued a statement welcoming the fact that the findings of the Health Research Board survey “mirrors” what its members have been calling for.
WORKING FOR AN alcohol charity after an incident like the Phoenix Park concert usually means getting asked about young people and alcohol: Why they drink the way they do.
THE wide availability of below-cost alcohol is fuelling the kind of anti-social behaviour which marred last Saturday night's Phoenix Park gig in Dublin, researchers warned yesterday.
People are in favour of minimum prices for alcohol and bans on advertising, but are against ending sponsorship of sport and music events, according to a survey.
More than four out of five people in this country think that Irish people drink too much alcohol, according to a survey published yesterday by the Health Research Board.