Irish Daily Star, Our Deadly Drink Habit
29/11/11 - Irish Daily Star Click on image to see in full size
29/11/11 - Irish Daily Star Click on image to see in full size
For some, it's an everyday reality - the walls are smashed as a fist goes through or there are holes or marks where a chair has been thrown. A woman lies bruised or bleeding, children crawl around in a mess or hide in a corner as a drunk lets fly or a party gets out of control.
GERRY BRAIDEN A BOLD local authority plan to ban new pubs, clubs or off-sales has prevented a single license
Queen Margaret University (QMU) has been awarded a research grant to investigate whether Scotland?s heaviest drinkers will change their habits as a result of the Scottish Government?s alcohol policy that could enforce a minimum price per unit of alcohol.
SALES of beer in Scotland have slumped dramatically since the introduction of a ban on discount deals and multi-buy options. Off-sale
Expand University of Otago health experts say a study showing a correlation between suicide, homicide and a lower drinking age in the US is further evidence the drinking age should be raised here.
Consumption of alcohol has soared in Britain over the last few decades while it has plummeted on the continent. Adults in the UK drink 9 per cent more than they did in 1980, making us the 11th booziest nation in Europe ��������� although our i
Doctors, child health experts and police are among 78 organisations that have formed a powerful new lobby group in WA to fight problem drinking in teenagers.
Ballina father calls on Government to tackle ?plague? of cheap alcohol Anton McNulty The Ballina father of a teenage suicide victim recently told an Oireachtas committee that the government owes it to its citizens to protect it from the ?plague? of cheap alcohol.
A MAJORITY of teenagers claimed they watched pornography on the internet and more than one-third said it was educational, according to an online survey.