Young alcoholics
The stereotype of an alcoholic is probably that of an older Australian. But alcohol counsellors working with young alcoholics say that stereotype couldn't be further from the truth.
The stereotype of an alcoholic is probably that of an older Australian. But alcohol counsellors working with young alcoholics say that stereotype couldn't be further from the truth.
Irish Examiner - 19.10.11 Click on image to see in full size
Alcohol Concern's survey of 2,300 young adults finds many urging more regulation to protect those under drinking age
A government clampdown on the sale of cheap alcohol will not have a "significant impact" on jobs, junior minister RoisÃn Shortall has said. Ms Shortall, who is responsible for the Government's…
A Government minister has revealed plans to end the sale of cheap drink by imposing a minimum price on top of taxes and excise duties. Roisin Shortall, junior minister in the Department of Health, claimed the bottom line was needed amid calls to tackle alcohol misuse.
My mother passed away in April. She was my best friend, and she was also an active alcoholic. I went to my first ACA meeting last night. I had never been to a 12 step program.
Asda has been criticised for selling bottles of Budweiser for less than 50p each despite a pledge to sell alcohol responsibly.
Article history About this article Close This article was published on at 21.00 BST on Sunday 16 October 2011. A version appeared on p31 of the Main section section of on .
The Health Minister Edwin Poots has said the Executive is determined to introduce new legislation to raise the minimum price per unit of alcohol.
VICTORIAN kids are getting drunk on alcohol sachets ordered from overseas websites for as little as 25c a shot.