Drink-drive detection 7 times EU rate
A STUDY of Europe-wide police road safety operations has revealed drink- and drug-driving detection rates in Ireland are among the highest on the continent.
A STUDY of Europe-wide police road safety operations has revealed drink- and drug-driving detection rates in Ireland are among the highest on the continent.
According to new research, 4,000 Irish people could be suffering from an invisible serious brain injury caused by alcohol abuse.
Alcoholic liver disease in the under 30s has risen by half in the last ten years according to official figures. Doctors are warning of the growing impact of alcohol on young people's health after the findings show a quarter of the population drinks too much.
The autopsy report is still to come but at the tragic last act, Amy Winehouse’s father had no doubts. ‘‘Amy had been off hard drugs for almost three years.
THERE was a striking increase in the number of young adults engaging in self-harm last year, with the recession and alcohol consumption largely being blamed.
The price of cheap take-out alcohol should be doubled to cut anti-social behaviour, the Lord Mayor of Dublin said today. Andrew Montague said the Government should work alongside the Northern Ireland Assembly to set an agreed minimum price for off-licence sales.
A PUSH to ban the supply of alcohol to children and teens will be brought to State Parliament today.
The price of cheap take-out alcohol should be doubled to cut anti-social behaviour, it has been claimed. Dublin's Lord Mayor Andrew Montague called for the Government to work alongside the Northern Ireland Assembly to set an agreed minimum price for off-licence sales.
Host: STAP Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands Date: 27th /28th October 2011 Time: All day event The aim of the conference is to spread knowledge on reducing youth drinking by alcohol law…