Cancer risks associatedwith alcohol remain difficult to assess
WHILE NEW research is painting a clearer picture of the links between alcohol and cancer, in Ireland statistical information is still difficult to assess.
WHILE NEW research is painting a clearer picture of the links between alcohol and cancer, in Ireland statistical information is still difficult to assess.
The sale of cheap, below-cost, alcohol "should be banned" a Government spokesman has said. Deputy John Perry, speaking on behalf of Health Minister James Reilly, said the central aim of…
on 18/07/2011 00:00:00 Deputy John Perry, speaking on behalf of Health Minister James Reilly, said the central aim of the upcoming National Substance Misuse Strategy (NSMS), was to "reduce the amount of alcohol we drink in society".
THE FRENCH call it le binge drinking and consider it one of the more obnoxious imports from across the channel. Now officials in Lyons have introduced a night-time ban on retail sales of alcohol to combat what is seen as a nasty Anglo-Saxon habit sweeping France.
Acute stress is thought to precipitate alcohol drinking. Yet the ways that acute stress can increase alcohol consumption are unclear. A new study investigated whether different phases of response to an acute stressor can alter the subjective effects of alcohol.
THE controversial alcopops tax has worked to curb young people's drinking but sweeping changes are needed to our haphazard alcohol tax regime to tackle widespread abuse, a new report says.
Irish Times - 19/07/11 Click on images to view to full size
Irish people are among the heaviest consumers of alcohol in Europe. One in four deaths of young men aged 15 to 34 is attributed to alcohol, and it is costing the health service millions each year.
Up to 62,000 children are neglected in Wales because they are trapped in poverty or are being cared for by parents battling alcohol and drug addiction or mental health problems, according to a new report.
A MOTHER will spend the next eight years in prison after a catalogue of shocking violence against eight of her children, which included regularly attaching vice grips to her children’s faces as punishment.