Alcohol-related problems: Survey checks nurse training
Nottingham researchers have launched a national survey to find out if nurses need extra training to deal with patients who have drink problems.
Nottingham researchers have launched a national survey to find out if nurses need extra training to deal with patients who have drink problems.
Supermarkets are promoting alcopops – the flavoured cocktails popular with young drinkers – more than any other alcohol.
Alcohol abuse is a "serious social problem" and a "gateway" to the abuse of other substances, the new drugs minister has said. RóisÃn Shortall, minister of state at the Department…
JUST four out of 200 independent retailers who are licensed to sell alcohol are taking part in an industry-operated scheme regarding the sale of alcohol.
ALCOHOL abuse is a "serious social problem" and a "gateway" to the abuse of other substances, the new drugs minister has said.
A NEW mandatory breath testing regime to combat drink driving came into force yesterday. The measure makes it mandatory for gardaà to conduct breath tests at the scene of a collision where someone has been injured and requires medical attention.
The Irish Medical Organisation has welcomed the implementation of new legislation that will enable Gardaà to test drivers for the presence of alcohol at the scene of road traffic collisions.
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol related issues, today welcomes the introduction of new life saving drink driving legislation which allows for the mandatory alcohol testing of drivers…
ALCOHOL has been a key contributory factor in the dramatic increase in the incidence of sexually transmitted disease among young people in Kerry and Cork over the past 10 years.
A third of drug addicts or problem drinkers in treatment have childcare responsibilities and the lives of these children are much improved when providers and children's services get together early on to ensure the whole family gets the supp