Alcohol consumption has ‘significant’ influence on suicide rates
ALCOHOL consumption has a "significant" influence on suicide levels among males at all ages and young women, research shows.
ALCOHOL consumption has a "significant" influence on suicide levels among males at all ages and young women, research shows.
GROWING numbers of people are developing liver disease in their 20s and 30s because of heavy boozing, according to new research. A rise in alcohol abuse, including binge drinking, is fuelling a worrying increase in liver disease at a younger age.
ALCOHOL was listed on death certificates in almost 1,900 fatalities over a three-year period, statistics reveal.
The Scottish Government's unprecedented majority will allow them to revisit failed policies ... but they say they do not intend to force through new laws.
Britain is on course to be the European capital of liver disease because of the twin effects of alcohol and obesity. Our death rate from liver conditions already exceeds that of France, Italy and Spain, and experts expect it will soon soar pas
MORE than half of patients attending emergency & departments (ED) who are not obviously drunk need to address their alcohol consumption, a study argues.
Irish Examiner - Do the Irish Drink too much? supplement 06/05/11 Click on images to view in full size
Irish Examiner - Do the Irish Drink too much? supplement 06/05/11 Click on images to view in full size
Irish Examiner - 06/05/11 Click on images to view in full size
Misuse of alcohol was directly involved in almost 70,000 crimes last year. The startling statistic highlights the destructive impact alcohol continues to have on society. Official Central Statistics Office figures…