Final cocktail was ‘enough to knock man unconscious’
A FATHER-of-two who died from alcohol poisoning drank enough to knock a man unconscious, as he consumed up to 10 shots in one glass after downing pints of Guinness, a court heard.
A FATHER-of-two who died from alcohol poisoning drank enough to knock a man unconscious, as he consumed up to 10 shots in one glass after downing pints of Guinness, a court heard.
MISUSE of alcohol was directly involved in almost 70,000 crimes last year. The startling statistic highlights the destructive impact alcohol continues to have on society.
ALCOHOL, when it is grossly misused, has done more harm to Irish people, Irish families, Irish relationships and businesses, Irish talent and potential, Irish hopes and ambitions than a combination of all the other slings and arrows life can throw at us.
THE GAA’s efforts to instigate alcohol and substance abuse awareness programmes is "tokenism" in light of its receipt of alcohol sponsorship, former Tipperary hurler John Leahy has claimed.
Public sector employees should never be connected with the advertisement of alcohol, a public health specialist told delegates at the IMO 2011 AGM. HSE Director of Public Health Dr Declan Bedford successfully proposed a motion banning public sector employees from being used to promote alcohol on be
A MAN drank up to 10 measures of spirits in one go during a “drinking game†on the night of his birthday and later died of acute alcoholic poisoning, a court has heard.
Researchers at the University of Queensland are involved in developing a mobile phone application to help young people control their drinking. As part of its research into strategies against alcohol abuse, the new iPhone drinks-counter application could help young people reduce their bingeing habit
Two barmen are due to go on trial for the manslaughter of a British man who died from acute alcohol intoxication. The landmark prosecution against Gary Wright and Aidan Dalton is listed to begin in Co Tipperary today.
Two barmen are due to go on trial for the manslaughter of a British man who died from acute alcohol intoxication. The landmark prosecution against Gary Wright and Aidan Dalton…
Orla Barry is Social Affairs Correspondent with Newstalk 106-108FM and presents ‘The Green Room’ on Mondays from 10pm-12am