You got it wrong on drink driving laws
LINKING the tragic deaths in rural Ireland of older people by suicide to a "new puritanism surrounding even the most restrained cases of drinking and driving" (Jan 28) is astonishing in its over simplicity.
LINKING the tragic deaths in rural Ireland of older people by suicide to a "new puritanism surrounding even the most restrained cases of drinking and driving" (Jan 28) is astonishing in its over simplicity.
New Zealand is on the brink of some of the most significant amendments to its alcohol laws, but communities need to speak up about their desire for change. That?s the message alcohol law reform proponents want to drive home, with only ten days left for public submissions on the Alcohol Reform Bill.
The Irish Examiner - 04/02/11 Click on image to view in full size
The Irish Daily Mirror - 04/02/11 Click on image to view in full size
Help The chances of a woman getting breast cancer in Britain have risen to one in eight, according to figures released by Cancer Research UK. The charity says part of the reason is the way we live now, with obesity, drinking alcohol and having children later in life al
Calls have been made for all alcoholic products to contain explicit health warning labels. Alcohol Action Ireland said the issue needed to be a priority for the incoming Government. Ireland has the second highest cancer rate in the world and despite proven links between alcohol consumption and can
Urgent need for health risk labels on alcoholic drinks Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, is urging the incoming Government to introduce explicit health warnings on alcohol…
I WISH to respond to with concern to your editorial (Jan 28).
Alcohol affects every part of the body and heavy use can be a contributory factor in more than 80 illnesses. writes IAN McCABE In Ireland, we are sometimes shocked when…