We can no longer afford to accept our harmful relationship with alcohol as the norm, says Alcohol Action Ireland

Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, has said that, as a nation, we are in collective denial about our alcohol problem. Speaking following the release of Alcohol…

Continue ReadingWe can no longer afford to accept our harmful relationship with alcohol as the norm, says Alcohol Action Ireland

Banning alcohol sponsorship of sport is not just supported by the evidence, it is the right thing to do

Read Alcohol Action Ireland's submission the "Working Group on Regulating Sponsorship by Alcohol Companies of Major Sporting Events". This is the submission overview: Alcohol sponsorship of sport is the keystone…

Continue ReadingBanning alcohol sponsorship of sport is not just supported by the evidence, it is the right thing to do

Is a six pack of beer and a bottle of whiskey the right way to promote Father’s Day?

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Taking a trot through any Irish supermarket, one would be hard pressed to forget that Father's Day is incoming - See more at: https://www.independent.ie/life/food-drink/table-talk/is-a-six-pack-of-beer-and-a-bottle-of-whiskey-the-right-way-to-promote-fathers-day-30346913.html#sthash.qS1TttuM.dpuf Taking a trot through any Irish…

Continue ReadingIs a six pack of beer and a bottle of whiskey the right way to promote Father’s Day?