Teenagers – you can have a good time without consuming alcohol
A survey shows that 16-25 year olds are far more sensible than their parents. Caomhan Keane gets a handle on Generation Zero. From the Irish Examiner GENERATION Y ”” that's…
A survey shows that 16-25 year olds are far more sensible than their parents. Caomhan Keane gets a handle on Generation Zero. From the Irish Examiner GENERATION Y ”” that's…
Gary Lineker has called for restrictions to be placed on sponsorship and advertising by alcohol and betting brands around sport. From Marketing Magazine In an interview published in the September…
I BELIEVE even when times are tough, this Government can make a difference to people's lives. Nowhere is that more true than in the Department of Health, which touches everyone's…
A new study of liver patients by the University of Southampton shows that a Minimum Unit Price (MUP) policy for alcohol is exquisitely targeted towards the heaviest drinkers with cirrhosis.…
THE number of deaths caused by alcohol has risen more than 60 per cent over the past decade, a new study shows. From The Australian Every day, 15 Australians die…
Underage drinkers are three times more likely to drink alcohol brands that advertise on television programs they watch compared to other alcohol brands, providing new and compelling evidence of a…
This morning I began the first day of my 25th year as a non-drinker. That makes it 8,766 alcohol-free days without a sip of alcohol, one day at a time.…
World Hepatitis Day is an annual event which takes place on the 28th July and is endorsed by the World Health Organization. Each year it provides international focus for patient…
Plans to introduce a minimum price for alcohol in Wales have been backed by a panel advising ministers on substance misuse. From BBC News Experts said the measure would protect…