Alcohol a major cause of cancer
The public's awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer needs to improve, Irish researchers have said. From After smoking, obesity and physical inactivity, alcohol is a major cause…
The public's awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer needs to improve, Irish researchers have said. From After smoking, obesity and physical inactivity, alcohol is a major cause…
One of the country's leading child experts has called for an “un-ambivalent” political response to Ireland's alcohol problem. From the Irish Examiner Geoffrey Shannon said failure to tackle alcohol abuse…
James Bond's love of martinis would have left him both shaken and stirred as he consumed four times the weekly recommended alcohol limit, doctors have said. From The Telegraph Despite…
Gardai are set to increase the number of mandatory breath tests performed on drivers over the Christmas period. From Random breath testing will be carried out on a 24/7…
Many people consume more alcohol than usual during the festive period, so pharmacists are reminding people of the dangers of mixing alcohol with medicines. From They warned that consuming…
The Dr Foster report on hospital admissions linked to drink or drugsdetails the latest instalment in our troubled relationship with alcohol. More than half a million people have been admitted over three…
Alcohol's role as a serious risk factor in mental health difficulties was put under the spotlight at a national conference held by Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related…
Christmas time, mistletoe and wine. The party season is upon us. Behind the scenes the health service is under pressure to cope with a surge in liver disease. From The…