Drink and the Irish – Too many lives ruined by alcohol
Alcohol misuse causes more damage than poverty, violent crime, unemployment, all the cancers, and all the other drug addictions combined in this society.
Alcohol misuse causes more damage than poverty, violent crime, unemployment, all the cancers, and all the other drug addictions combined in this society.
A teenage boy whose drinking first caused concerns when he was 7 has been given a five-month sentence over an assault and a mugging in Dublin City centre.
A verdict of death by misadventure has been returned in an inquest into the death of Graham Parish, who died of acute alcohol intoxication in 2008.
Back to Press Releases Specific ban on texting, and new range of penalty points for mobile phone use, speeding, seatbelts and driving unaccompanied New road safety measures are among a range of provisions in the Road Traffic Bill 2012 signed off by Cabinet today, including new and higher penalty po
IT’S THAT TIME of the year again folks, when for one night only it’s perfectly acceptable to get drunk, swap pound shop gifts with co-workers and tell your boss you’ve had inappropriate dreams about him.
The Alcohol Reform Bill passed its final reading in Parliament last night. It enforces a 4am closing time for bars and gives local councils more power to limit the sale of liquor.
From The Irish Times KITTY HOLLAND Heavy drinking and its role in sexual violence must be addressed if Ireland is to meet its human rights obligations, the Rape Crisis Network…
From The Irish Examiner Monday, December 10, 2012 The much-delayed national alcohol strategy has been shelved until next year despite pledges that the Cabinet would meet to sign off on…
From the Irish Examiner Monday, December 10, 2012 By calling on the Government to target attitudes towards alcohol and sex in this country, the Rape Crisis Network effectively seizes the…
From The Herald SCOTTISH ministers have received strong support from the Irish Government in their battle with Brussels to avoid having minimum unit pricing of alcohol declared in breach of…