Have a good time but celebrate with care
By Mark O'Regan in the Irish Independent Wednesday August 15 2012 STUDENTS celebrating their Leaving Cert results were last night reminded of the dangers that rise from excessive drinking. Alcohol…
By Mark O'Regan in the Irish Independent Wednesday August 15 2012 STUDENTS celebrating their Leaving Cert results were last night reminded of the dangers that rise from excessive drinking. Alcohol…
[Posted: Wed 15/08/2012 www.irishhealth.com] Parents of the country's 55,000 Leaving Cert students who will be getting their results today have been urged to talk with then about their celebration plans. Meanwhile,…
By Rachael Power in the Irish Examiner Wednesday, August 15, 2012 As more than 55,000 Leaving Cert students prepare to celebrate tonight, several organisations have called for greater vigilance in…
Onus on alcohol retailers not to sell drink to under-age teens Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, is urging parents of the country ’s 55,000 Leaving Cert students…
Ambulances are forced to attend thousands of incidents every month across Scotland where alcohol has been cited as the main cause. about 1 hour ago Alcohol related incidents on the rise in Scotland Ambulance services in Southern Scotland attend hund
on 15/08/2012 00:00:00 Mary Lawrence, aged 67, from Ardla Cottages in Skerries, north Co Dublin, was found dead in her bed by her daughter on Oct 30, last year.
MINISTER FOR EDUCATION Ruairà Quinn has offered his congratulations to the tens of thousands of Leaving Cert students who receive their exam results today.
The study suggests alcohol should be avoided, or managed correctly, during recovery within 16 hours after a competitive rugby league match (Source: Patryk Specjal/stock.
STUDENTS celebrating their Leaving Cert results were last night reminded of the dangers that rise from excessive drinking. Alcohol Action Ireland stressed that parents should talk to their children about their celebratory plans.
A ROW has broken out after political rivals locked horns over the Scottish Government’s controversial minimum alcohol pricing plans. Stirling Licensing Board member Steven Paterson described a member’s bill lodged by MSP Richard Simpson as a “desperate attempt to find poli