Eateries face laws on showing calories
By Noel Baker in the Irish Examiner Thursday, July 05, 2012 Restaurants and fast food outlets are being asked to voluntarily advertise the calorie count of their food ”” or…
By Noel Baker in the Irish Examiner Thursday, July 05, 2012 Restaurants and fast food outlets are being asked to voluntarily advertise the calorie count of their food ”” or…
THE ANNUAL GARDA report for 2011 has revealed that of more half a million breath tests carried out at checkpoints 0.2 per cent of drivers – 492 in total – either tested positive for alcohol or refused to give samples.
Restaurants and fast food outlets are being asked to voluntarily advertise the calorie count of their food — or face legislation forcing them to do so.
REACTION: HOTELS AND restaurants showed no appetite yesterday for proposals to force them to display the calorie content of the meals they serve. The Restaurants Association of Ireland claimed such a move would cost the industry €110 million, or €5,000 per restaurant.
Communities across England and Wales will benefit from two new powers that will help them tackle alcohol-fuelled violence and disorder, the Home Office announced today - July 4.
03.07.12 from TV3 Supermarket chain Centra is at the heart of a storm of controversy today after a flyer advertising "Children's Allowance Day Deals" featured deals on alcoholic drinks. The…
The government should introduce a ban on the sponsorship of sports and music events by members of the alcohol industry, doctors' leaders have claimed. In its response to the recent consultation on proposed legislation in Scotland, the British Medical
From The Irish Sun Four stores issued Children's Allowance Day Deal flyers offering 20 bottles of Miller for €15 and 40 Budweiser for €25. The leaflets encouraged parents to “make…