Irish Independent, TDs call for ban on sale of booze in supermarkets
25/01/12 Click on image to see in full size
25/01/12 Click on image to see in full size
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, today welcomed the Dail Health Committee's recommendation backing minimum pricing and a raft of other measures on alcohol availability and marketing…
Introduction and Background Click here to view the full submission document. Alcohol Action Ireland is the national charity for alcohol-related issues. We work to raise awareness of alcohol-related harm and…
There is another policy salvo being unleashed today on the pricing of alcohol as doctors and academics release another plea via the Daily Telegraph and Dr Sarah Woolaston MP discharges a Westminster Hall debate on the taxat
Minister for Justice Alan Shatter launched a review of the voluntary Code of Practice for the display and sale of alcohol in supermarkets, convenience stores and similar mixed trading outlets…
One in 11 people report they or a member of their family has been assaulted over the past year by someone under the influence of alcohol - with half saying…
Budget 2012 did the cause of alcohol harm reduction no favours. Minister for Finance Michael Noonan rejected the restoration of excise duty to 2009 levels - a move which has…
Budget 2012 did the cause of alcohol harm reduction no favours. Minister for Finance Michael Noonan rejected the restoration of excise duty to 2009 levels - a move which has…
A minimum price for alcohol in the UK would help save many thousands of lives, medical experts and academics have said. They say current policies do not go far enough and want to see an end to what is described as
Ban cut-price supermarket drinks to save live