Irish Daily Mail, Facebook drink ads ‘to target children’
22/09/11 Facebook drink ads 'to target children'
22/09/11 Facebook drink ads 'to target children'
Low cost selling of alcohol, misuse of some prescription drugs and the availability and supply of illegal drugs are impacting on the lives of people, in particular young people, the Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children heard today when it discussed the issue of drug abuse and illegal drug use
IRELAND’S DRIVERS WILL be subjected to stricter drink-driving laws within a matter of weeks, Transport Minister Leo Varadkar revealed today. The Minister is hoping to push through laws to allow for mandatory testing at the new, lower drink-driving limits within weeks.
Since the 1980s scientists have linked drinking alcohol with several types of cancer, but now research has revealed how one may contribute to the other.
With a stroke of the presidential pen, beer was recently reclassified as an alcoholic drink in Russia, no longer a foodstuff, and its sales are to be restricted to cut alcohol abuse.
Hundreds of dentists are offering free oral check-ups next week in the fight against mouth cancer. They want to encourage people to take the five-minute screening for mouth cancer.
THE Government's legislation to lower the drink-driving limit even further will be one of the first items dealt with in the new Dail term. The Road Traffic (No 2) Bill is one of 30 priority bills in the Fine Gael-Labour coalition's legislative programme for the autumn session.
2 billion people worldwide consume alcohol, and of these 76·3 million have alcohol misuse problems,1 with substantial morbidity, mortality, and social harm.
MISUSE of alcohol is costing the North East economy up to £162m per year, new figures have revealed. From the cost of alcohol-fuelled crime to drink-related hospital admissions, the region’s drinking culture is eating up a huge amount of taxpayers
Irish Examiner - 14/09/11 Click on image to see in full size