Irish Examiner – €3.7bn – The hidden price of alcohol
The Government should "seriously consider" raising taxes on alcohol to reduce the estimated €3.7 billion cost to the state from alcohol abuse, according to a HSE report on the issue.…
The Government should "seriously consider" raising taxes on alcohol to reduce the estimated €3.7 billion cost to the state from alcohol abuse, according to a HSE report on the issue.…
The Government should "seriously consider" raising taxes on alcohol to reduce the estimated €3.7 billion cost to the state from alcohol abuse, according to a HSE report on the issue.…
Irish Examiner - 25/08/11 Click on image to see in full size
Irish Examiner - 25/08/11 Click on image to see in full size
Irish Examiner - 25/08/11 Click on image to see in full size
New Zealand Government Hon Simon Power Minister of Justice 25 August 2011 Media Statement Government accepts select committee changes to alcohol bill The Government welcomes the Justice and Electoral Committee’s report on the Al
NOBODY likes being lectured about their lifestyle.
THE Government should bring in minimum prices for alcohol or raise taxes on it, Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI) has said.
ALCOHOL has been blamed by employers as the primary reason for 4% of short-term absence from work by their male employees and 1% by female employees, in a survey by employers’ body IBEC.
ONE euro out of every seven euro spent by the Department of Justice goes directly on dealing with alcohol-related crime, new research shows.