Alcohol liver disease rate trebles in 12 years
THE number of young people presenting with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) more than trebled over a 12-year-period, leading research experts have said.
THE number of young people presenting with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) more than trebled over a 12-year-period, leading research experts have said.
on 25/05/2011 09:13:48 There are calls for the introduction of a floor price for alcohol. It comes as European Week Against Cancer gets underway. One in 10 cancers in men and one in 33 cancers in women are caused by alcohol.
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, highlighted the fact that reducing the amount we drink will contribute to reducing the number of cancer cases in Ireland. The…
Middle-class drinkers are at increased risk of dying from alcohol as they get older unlike lower-income groups because they do not realise they are drinking to excess, official figures suggest.
People have no idea how many calories are in alcoholic drinks despite pledges to lose weight, research suggests. A poll of 2,000 Britons found fewer than one in three (29pc) could say roughly how many calories are in a standard 175ml glass of wine -- it is 134.
Mandatory training in the responsible serving of alcohol by all staff and licence holders who sell alcohol is needed without delay, according to Alcohol Action Ireland. The call follows the…
Excess drinking is costing the NHS in Wales an estimated £70m a year, according to a new report. The Swansea University study, commissioned by the assembly government, put the cost…
Alcohol consumption has a "significant" influence on suicide levels among young men, new research shows. The study also found that the influence of alcohol consumption is "much larger" than that…
The link between alcohol and cancer risks is to be explored as part of the European Week Against Cancer which gets underway next week. It comes after new research revealed…