Medical News Today – Alcohol Use May Be A Problem For Older Adults
Some people whose drinking habits do not change over the years and decades may find that they develop problems with alcohol when they get older - aging lowers the body's…
Some people whose drinking habits do not change over the years and decades may find that they develop problems with alcohol when they get older - aging lowers the body's…
People love to complain about "sin taxes" on unhealthy or socially undesirable foods and beverages (for instance, this Booster Shots item on a proposal to tax fattening foods to pay…
UK Prime Minister David Cameron has signalled support for local authorities to ban the cheap sale of alcohol, as Britain seeks to crack down on the country's notorious binge drinking…
With moves afoot in the UK to try to combat the dysfunctional consumption of alcohol, responsible-drinking campaigner Sir Ian Gilmore says similar problems are evident in Ireland, writes Brian O'Connell. …
The Department of Health and Children is to participate in a European Schools Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) in 2011. On August 6, the Department began the process…
One in five Australians abuses or becomes addicted to alcohol in their lifetime, revealed a first nationwide study on the prevalence of drinking problems. And while the community is unworried…
AA Ireland has described as "unacceptable" the drop in mandatory breath tests carried out by gardaà last year, which fell by around 56,000 on 2008 figures. According to garda figures,…
AA Ireland has described as "unacceptable" the drop in mandatory breath tests carried out by gardaà last year, which fell by around 56,000 on 2008 figures. According to garda figures,…
The Irish Examiner, 23/07/10 Click to View Image in full size
One in three deaths on Irish roads are alcohol related compared to an average of one in four throughout the European Union. A major EU report on road safety, published…