Alcohol, Public Order and Crime
Between 1998 and 2003, physical assaults increased by 71% (excludes domestic violence and sexual assault). Read more information about alcohol, public order and crime.
Real cost of cheap drink this Christmas
Real cost of cheap drink this Christmas – families could end up paying the price 83c beer- same price as bar of chocolate Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol related issues, today warned that families could end up paying the price for cheap Christmas drink - with a bottle of beer in one leading supermarket selling for 83c, the same price as a bar of chocolate.
Make roads safer
Make roads safer - reduce alcohol levels for drivers, Alcohol Action Ireland urges Government Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, called on the Government to move forward with legislation that would reduce the amount of alcohol you can drive with from a Blood Alcohol Concentration limit of 80mgs of alcohol per 100mls blood to 50mgs.
Alcohol misuse contributing significantly to anxiety, depression and suicide
Alcohol misuse contributing significantly to anxiety, depression and suicide – 2 out of 5 cases of deliberate self-harm involve alcohol “Raise alcohol taxes in Budget to fund early intervention, prevention and treatment services and combat alcohol related harmâ€
Don’t blame kids — getting access to alcohol “not a problem” for teens
Don't blame kids – getting access to alcohol “not a problem” for teens: commence test purchasing as a matter of urgency “Junior Cert celebrations just a more hyped version of…
Don’t blame kids – getting access to alcohol “not a problem” for teens
Don ’t blame kids – getting access to alcohol “not a problem ” for teens: commence test purchasing as a matter of urgency “Junior Cert celebrations just a more hyped version of…