Alcohol Action Ireland call on 13 TDs further delaying the Alcohol Bill to back better public health, and protect our children first, ahead of a thriving alcohol industry.

Alcohol Action Ireland has called on the 13 TDs from many political parties and none, urban and rural, to withdraw their proposed amendments to the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill, ahead…

Continue ReadingAlcohol Action Ireland call on 13 TDs further delaying the Alcohol Bill to back better public health, and protect our children first, ahead of a thriving alcohol industry.

10 GOOD REASONS to retain a warning that is intended to inform the public of the direct link between alcohol and fatal cancers

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organisation, has classified alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen. (IARC, 1988) The IARC has stated there…

Continue Reading10 GOOD REASONS to retain a warning that is intended to inform the public of the direct link between alcohol and fatal cancers

TDs asked to step ‘through the looking glass’ to create a strange parallel world, free from alcohol risk.

Dáil Éireann's Select Committee on Health to take Public Health Alcohol Bill Committee Stage, Wednesday 20thJune, and to consider yet further dilution of the Bill’s provisions. Alcohol Action Ireland today…

Continue ReadingTDs asked to step ‘through the looking glass’ to create a strange parallel world, free from alcohol risk.