Podcast: Alcohol Uncovered Home » Media centre » Podcast: Alcohol Uncovered Alcohol Uncovered is a podcast produced by Alcohol Action Ireland discussing issues relating to harm caused by alcohol and its industry Click below for episode details and to listen Our latest episode: Silent Voices Alcohol in sport Protecting children from alcohol advertising online Alcohol availability amplifies abuse Commercial influence on alcohol consumption End the Silence - children of parental problem alcohol use Voices of Recovery Growing up with parental problem alcohol use Reform of alcohol licensing laws The lure of alcohol marketing Harnessing our health data Can Minimum Unit Pricing make a real difference? An insight into the trauma and complex impact of living with parental problem alcohol use Do you know the real risk to your health from alcohol related cancers? Alcohol treatment services facing real challenges post-covid experience Why does Ireland continue to have a high level of alcohol use? Progressive alcohol policy - gaining ground but how to win the war? Silent Voices - ending the silence on the impact of parental problem alcohol use The importance of global alcohol policy in tackling alcohol use The bad economics of alcohol What is alcohol doing to our children? What is alcohol doing for our health? Sign up for our newsletter & join our community First Name Last Name Email address: I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can add my email address to their mailing list Leave this field empty if you're human: Support our work Your donation allows us to continue our vital work to reduce harm from alcohol Donate