Voices of Recovery from alcohol harm – Charter
Ireland has a very significant problem with alcohol. Over 60% of those who drink have harmful drinking patterns. Around 15% of the population in Ireland has an alcohol use disorder…
Ireland’s Very Affordable Alcohol
Alcohol in shops and off-licences is almost 70% more affordable than 20 years ago. Ireland’s very affordable alcohol must be comprehensively addressed and a ‘polluter pays’ principle applied. Alcohol Action…
Alcohol Action call for rational approach to alcohol excise duties in Pre-Budget submission
UK’s post Brexit ‘Internal Market Bill’ may limit Northern Ireland’s capacity to introduce Minimum pricing for alcohol products. Alcohol Action Ireland, the independent advocate for reducing alcohol harm, has…
Remembering Norah Gibbons
Alcohol Action Ireland are deeply saddened to learn, today (9th April) of the passing of our former colleague and friend, Norah Gibbons. Norah made a vital contribution to the development…
Health Behaviour in School Aged Children Study 2018 highlights the appalling reach of alcohol into our children’s lives
Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI) welcomes the publication of the Health Behaviour in School Aged Children Study (HBSC) 2018 today (Thursday 9 Jan), which provides a very valuable insight into the…
Aware Lecture: Growing up with parental alcohol misuse: the impact on mental health and things that can help
Silent Voices – an Alcohol Action Ireland initiative to end the silence of the impact of parental alcohol misuse in Ireland is organising a lecture as part of the Aware…
Alcohol Action Ireland marked the introduction of the first measures from the Public Health (Alcohol) Act by hosting a Public Health symposium
The event held at Dublin’s Mansion House was organised to highlight the strategies and approaches used by dominant vested interests across Europe who market unhealthy commodities such as alcohol, processed…
The Oireachtas makes history by passing the Public Health Alcohol Bill
This evening, Seanad Éireann, in a historic development, agreed the amended Public Health Alcohol Bill, passed by Dáil Éireann last week. The Bill will now go to the President, Michael…
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