College of Physicians worried about ‘catastrophic’ level of alcohol-related deaths

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The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland says it welcomes the Government’s proposals to curb the excessive consumption of alcohol in Ireland.

From the Irish Examiner

In a statement issued today, doctors say they are very worried about the increasing levels of alcohol-related illness and death linked to drinking alcohol.

In particular the group wants minimum pricing to prevent the sale of very cheap alcohol and restriction of sponsorship of sports events by the alcohol industry.

A recent analysis involving 38,000 young people concluded that alcohol advertising and promotion increases the likelihood that young people will start to use alcohol or drink more.

Professor Frank Murray has described the increasing levels of alcohol-related illness here as “catastrophic”.

He believes the restriction of sponsorship of sports events will help.

He said: “The relationship between the promotion of alcohol and the consumption of alcohol is very strong, although the drinks industry would say it is just to push people towards their own brand, in fact alcohol advertising pushes people towards drinking.

“There is good evidence in that internationally that there is a relationship between alcohol sponsorship and advertisingm and alcohol consumption.”