Silent Voices – an Alcohol Action Ireland initiative to end the silence of the impact of parental alcohol misuse in Ireland is co-hosting a lecture with Aware on:






11 Dec 2019, 7.30pm

Lecture Theatre, Swift Centre, St Patrick’s Hospital, James’ St, Dublin 8


Barbara Whelan (Co-Founder of Silent Voices) and Dr Katie Baird (Counselling Psychologist)


Growing up with parental alcohol misuse: the impact on mental health and things that can help


It is estimated that there are around 200,000 children growing up in alcohol impacted families in Ireland and a further 400,000 adults living with the traumatic circumstances of a childhood arrested by alcohol related harms.

This lecture will explore the impacts of those harms and point towards some of the pathways to recovery and healing.


For an insight into parental alcohol misuse from the perspective of an adult child please see a recent blog post, Dear Forgotten Child. written by our co-founder and speaker, Barbara Whelan.

More information on the Silent Voices campaign here.


All welcome. Booking not necessary.