International Alcohol Related News/ 9 March 2009

TimeOlder Drinkers Less Able to Judge When They’re Drunk

For all their admonitions about responsible drinking, it turns out that older adults aren’t as good as young ones about knowing when to stop. After drinking the same amount of alcohol as their younger counterparts, older adults are not only more impaired than younger ones, but less likely to believe they are.,8599,1883408,00.html


  BBC News (Australia)Australian alcohol rules ‘safer’

Australians will be better protected from disease and injury by new alcohol guidelines that drastically reduce safe drinking levels, health charities say.


  MedPage Today Red Wine or White? No Difference for Breast Cancer Risk
A glass or two of Chianti each day may be no better for breast cancer risk than Chardonnay, researchers found.


  NY Times (USA) A Web Awash in Liquor Ads, Promoting Moderation
WHILE there may not be sufficient data to indicate whether the economy is driving people to drink, major marketers of alcoholic beverages are maintaining or even stepping up campaigns to encourage drinking in moderation.


  Ivanhoe Which Comes First? Alcohol or Depression?
It’s like the old question, which came first, the chicken or the egg? But this time researchers are talking about alcohol abuse and depression. Does the former cause the latter, or is it visa versa?


  Belfast Telegraph (Ireland) Senator calls for reduction in alcohol advertising
Fianna Fail Senator Mary White has said alcohol advertising should be reduced in the next five years in order to curb suicide levels in this country.

China Daily (China) National alcohol ban proposed for civil servants
Political advisors have submitted a proposal to ban all Chinese officials from drinking alcohol at lunch during work days.


  New Vision (Uganda) Alcohol adverts lure children into drinking
OVER the last 10 years, after the NRM administration liberalised the economy, the alcohol industry in Uganda has grown rapidly. Today the major players, Nile Breweries and Uganda Breweries, contribute billions of shillings in taxes to the national coffers. Children ’develop taste for alcohol in the womb’ say scientists
Children whose mothers drink during pregnancy could acquire a taste for booze.

DG News Alcohol Consumption May Increase Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Consuming 2 or more drinks per day could increase a person’s risk of pancreatic cancer by about 22%, according to a study published in the March issue of the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.


The Canberra Times (Australia) Alcohol guidelines usher in ’a new era of caution’
The National Health and Medical Research Council issued yesterday its long-awaited advice to ”reduce health risks from drinking alcohol” a report described as a ”major wake-up call”. The independent authority has recommended stricter limits on drinking for adults.


  U.S. News & World Report Alcohol-Branded Apparel Linked to Adolescent Drinking

  All those T-shirts, hats and other items promoting alcoholic beverages that young people wear may be more than just a fashion statement.


  Time (Scotland) Nation o’ Drinkers: Scotland Takes on Alcohol Abuse

There’s little affection in a “Glasgow kiss.” Typically preceded by some variation of the growled question “Whit ya [expletive] lookin’ at?” the term refers to a vicious headbutt, as delivered all too often in the bars and on the streets of Scotland’s largest city.,8599,1883087,00.html


  Modern Medicine Young Males Drink More When Alcohol Portrayed in Media

Watching a movie or commercials portraying alcohol use leads to higher total alcohol consumption among young men, according to research published online Mar. 4 in Alcohol and Alcoholism.


  Science Daily High Novelty-seeking And Low Avoidance Of Harm Contribute To Alcohol Dependence

Personality factors can influence the development of alcohol dependence (AD). Researchers examined a group of AD individuals with the inactive form of aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) – persons who would normally have a low incidence of alcoholism because the inactive form of ALDH2 causes flushing, nausea, and headaches.


  Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) Estonian devaluation threat alarms Alko
Alko, Finland’s state-owned chain of liquor stores, sold more than 112 million litres of alcoholic beverages from its 343 outlets last year. In accordance with the prevailing tendency, more and more of the sold products were mild beverages, especially wines.


Economist (EU) Mediterranean volumes with Viking bingeing lie behind a big drink problem
“DRINK is too cheap,” says Nadin Saif, who runs a tidy little food and drink shop in Granton, a rundown area of Edinburgh.