Junior Cert Students Urged To Celebrate Responsibly

From Build.ie

Junior Cert Students Urged To Celebrate Responsibly

After a recent survey by the European School Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD) found that Irish teenagers are more likely to binge drink than their European counterparts, Junior Certificate students are being advised to celebrate responsibly when their examination results are published on Wednesday.

Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI), a lobby group campaigning on alcohol-related issues, has urged parents to make a  “who, what, where, when, how ” plan with their teenagers before they go out tomorrow evening.

 “It is a time of well deserved celebration, ” said Fiona Ryan, director of AAI.

 “Some will feel that they have to drink to celebrate even though they may not want to and others will feel even pressured to do so. It is important to remind teenagers that not everybody is doing it, ” she said.