Morning Advertiser (UK) – Below cost ban on alcohol by May 2012

  • Post category:World News

A ban on the below cost sale of alcohol could come into effect by May 2012, the Government has said.

In its Business Plan for 2011-15, the Home Office set out its timetable for action on alcohol and licensing.

It said it would publish its proposals to change the rules on alcohol pricing in April 2011 and then “introduce legislation, if necessary, in the second session of Parliament to implement changes to alcohol pricing”, with an expected date for completion of May 2012.

It added: “Pricing options must be enforceable, compatible with EU trade law and easily implemented by business.”

There are still no details available on how the Government proposes to form its below cost ban on alcohol.

The Home Office said it had already analysed the consultation responses from its proposals on licensing reform and they would be introduced in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill due in December 2010.


Source: Morning Advertiser (UK), 08/11/10