Scottish Government’s minimum price for alcohol plan faces objection

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THE plan to set a minimum price for alcohol is being delayed by an objection from Bulgaria, an industry body has revealed.


The Scottish Government wants to set a floor price of 50p per unit in an attempt to tackle the nation ’s unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

The measure was passed by MSPs earlier this year, but concern was raised that it may fall foul of European trade rules.

The Scottish Government said the development is  “not unexpected ” and that its policy is justified on public health grounds.

Miles Beale, of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, said:  “The extended timetable for consideration of the proposals provides an opportunity for other countries to register their opposition and for the European Commission to seek an explanation about the legality of the proposals. ”

The objection means the consideration period for the proposals will now extended for a further three months to 27 ?December, the association said.